Become an Affiliate

Do you have a blog, website, Facebook page or Instagram feed type of public presence that relates to energy storage, off grid living, RV life, marine battery systems or something similar? If so you may be interested in joining us as an affiliate.

Just complete this form to join!

How does it work?

It is quite straight forward. Basically you sign up and give us a bit of info on your site/blog. If it looks complimentary we will confirm your application and you will get access to the Affiliate Dashboard. From here you can create your custom links to the landing page you want to help promote. When customers come to our site and make a purchase using this link, we will credit your account 5% for all the purchases and automatically pay it out to your PayPal account every month. You could make $25 – $250 a month.

Thank you!

You have joined our affiliate program!
In your dashboard, you will find your referral URL and detailed information to check commissions, visits, earnings, and payments.

Go to your dashboard