Time to go available on CAN?

  • Am I correct that time-to-go is not transmitted from the BMS over CAN? I don't see it listed in the 2Q manual, or on the GX 50 display.

  • Lots of other detail on the battery pack but I am not seeing it either.  I will put in a request to REC to see if we can add that in a future release

    REC BMS Remote Console


  • @Rick That would be great. This is a very important piece of data for us electric boaters to have in the cockpit. Will have to revert back to my BVM for the time being. Hopefully it tracks with the BMS SOC and time remaining.

  • No can't do. It does not work like this. Victron CAN bus protocol was provided to us and all the CAN data is supported. To get the Time to go, they would have to add this feature or a programmer should add it into their open-source. With the LCD and WiFi we calculate it from the SOC, SOH and floating avarage current value.


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