The issue was the WS500 pro shipped with bad firmware. Version 2.6.0 is bad, needed to get in touch with WS and get sn early version of 2.6.1 to make it work.
The issue was the WS500 pro shipped with bad firmware. Version 2.6.0 is bad, needed to get in touch with WS and get sn early version of 2.6.1 to make it work.
Suggestions. Which REC BMS you have q serie or ABMS(12V)? With ABMS, use firmware 2.94. Have CANS set on 2. Set also MODE at 1 or 2 depend your setup. Check with CANS? Or the correct s...
{"summary":"Transportable configuration file created using the Wakespeed Application for configuration: WS500recdvcc. Protected for use only with Wakespeed products. Any usage without e...
Does anyone have a json they can share using a REC BMS and a WS500? I can't seem to get my WS to see my REC BMS. I've verfied the wiring 100x and followed every "how to" I can find onli...
@tine Are you planning to integrate it to the control panel main screen? I'm not sure what you mean? My plugin is for SignalK not VenusOS.
Are you planning to integrate it to the control panel main screen?
@tine Would be very nice. I look forward to see this. If you like, send me a beta version and I will test it.
I've taken this a step further and written a plugin for SignalK that uses the new features in the latest WiFi module. If you're a marine user that uses SignalK give it a go. It's live in the app st...
Good news! This may help to explain why the BMS was not pulling back the charger output on your Victron and keeping it from tripping. Thanks for the update
Great news. I think. So when I was initially starting everything up and updating firmware on everything my BMS was on my device list. Something rebooted/updated and it wasn't on the list but still ...
Hi @Ben How do you wire the TBS with "control with one wire" to the REC ABMS? Br Sturla
Right now they all look really good. The sun is down so they're not charging, and my low pack from earlier is now my highest. Right now 3.33 highest/3.31 lowest.&n...
Thats likely your issue. The BMS can bring a slightly imbalanced pack back into balance but for a badly out balance system the best solution is a good static balance but if that is impractica...
I did not static balance. Thats actually the first time I've heard of it. I have a Color Control GX with the DVCC settings turned on if that answers that question. And, I thought it ...
Your battery parameters all look good. It sounds like it may be a cell imbalance issue. Did you static balance your pack before you built your pack? Do you have a "Smart" chargi...
I think I need some help with my charge settings. I have one cell pack thats going over voltage cell/s is above the maximum set threshold and the BMS keeps kicking on and off, and a cell volta...
MAXC and MAXD are fixed settings as MAX charging/discharging current per inverter/charger device. Not the CAN data sent to the inverter that is actually calculated from SISN, MAXC/MAXD, temperature...
@tine I've also found another bug. Max charge current and discharge current are not updating dynamically. {"type":"settings","cmin":2.5,"cmax":3.75,"tmax":55,"bvol":3.55,"bm...
Guys, I have finally found some time to create a REC Tech tool and and am roughing in an Android/Mac/Windows/Web app I hope to release later this year. Still Lots of work to do but here are ...
@tine I've been running the new WiFi firmware for a few days now and the websockets feature is working great. I have noticed what might be a bug. I'm having issues unlocking the BMS now wit...
We will try to add few more CAN messages to GX to support cell volages on Ekrano or Cerbo.
Thanks for sharing your work. This looks awesome and will be helpful to others looking to do something similar. Signal K and Node Red are great tools for super users! It's posts like t...
This will work with the Active BMS current release as well. Victron and REC are both continuing to enhance CAN functionality and there will be more updates over the next couple of years as th...
When will this available for the Active BMS? The last firmware update I see is from late last year.
@tine I had some trouble with that firmware this morning but I've resolved it by manually adding the .bin files to the SD card and the websockets addition is working great! I think this satif...
WiFi websocket with the newest Firmware on our web page: Websocket ws:// WiFi sends every second 2 messages, settings and status Case ABMS: ...
@tine @Rick I sent an email but the basics are I was able to get the eprom and bootloader flashed but I cannot get firmware 2.9.4 to work at all and 2.9.3 seems to work but I cannot unlock ...
We will try to enable websocket stream, but the problem is that we have Master-Slave systems with 100+ cells. We will test it and let you know if it works normally.
Alright, update for anyone who is interested in this topic. After discovering that the WiFI module does indeed rednder data from the http://wifi_url/ws path (raw data not websocket) I was able to s...
@tine Looking into it further I do see you are already providing some values via RAW data stream on the WiFi. Located at http://wifi_url/ws Can we get this turned into a proper websockets ...
I will write to Mr. Vader -Victron CEO, if we can incorporate something like this. I will let you know their response.
In VRM the widget I reviewed the most, is min/max cell voltage. Which means, I agree that monitoring cell voltage is very useful, to see how a system behave. What is missing in VRM to monit...
@tine I am opening this topic, because a client requested cell voltage data on the CAN bus for Victron. Since this is not supported in the original Victron GX protocol, NodeRED shou...
I was the customer that requested this feature be enabled and @Ben it's not something that anyone "needs" but is a "feature" that some would benefit from. There are several use cases mo...
I have the feeling that most of my customers don't need to see all cell voltages. What the Cerbo shows at the moment is the lowest and highest cell. This is for me good enough. I put alarm on hi...
I am opening this topic, because a client requested cell voltage data on the CAN bus for Victron. Since this is not supported in the original Victron GX protocol, NodeRED should be used and a...
Hello All, What charging precedence strategy are you using with your REC-BMS-controlled-Victron-Energy-LiFePO4 marine battery system? I have Multiplus-IIs, Wakespeed WS-500, MPPT solar char...
I send o-firstime a private message for his email so I can share the chip upload files and schematics
@Rick Awesome and thank you! Hoping @tine gets back soon and we can figure out how to repair my soon to be "spare" and I can get it sorted without having to send it back. Thanks agai...