Suggestions. Which REC BMS you have q serie or ABMS(12V)? With ABMS, use firmware 2.94. Have CANS set on 2. Set also MODE at 1 or 2 depend your setup. Check with CANS? Or the correct s...
Suggestions. Which REC BMS you have q serie or ABMS(12V)? With ABMS, use firmware 2.94. Have CANS set on 2. Set also MODE at 1 or 2 depend your setup. Check with CANS? Or the correct s...
{"summary":"Transportable configuration file created using the Wakespeed Application for configuration: WS500recdvcc. Protected for use only with Wakespeed products. Any usage without e...
@tine Would be very nice. I look forward to see this. If you like, send me a beta version and I will test it.
In VRM the widget I reviewed the most, is min/max cell voltage. Which means, I agree that monitoring cell voltage is very useful, to see how a system behave. What is missing in VRM to monit...
I have the feeling that most of my customers don't need to see all cell voltages. What the Cerbo shows at the moment is the lowest and highest cell. This is for me good enough. I put alarm on hi...
Your question:1. I cant explain you, I don't know this in detail. But the 3part manual page you post don't sound correct to me. I never have seen this document, no time at the moment to study...
@Trevor really strange. I have 2 setups running with 2.94. Non off them have any problem. suggestion to test, with 2.94. under settings/manual communication. Type address: 2 Type command:...
@Sturla The "Quick connect TBS" is a new product, not yet on the market. Some functions: -connect bms, 4 wire only (ATC+, ATD+, + and -) -Connect easy 2 TBS relays -connect a remote panel, whic...
@Johan For the ABMS, firmware 2.94 Main relay, can be set for ONLY Low voltage protection, program MODE at 2. (parameters under settings are used) Main relay can set for LOW and High voltage pro...
@Johan holding power 0.13, but switching ON power? Maybe others in this forum have experience with switching Tycos. I don't like relays that use 24h day 0.13amp. The ABMS, ...
@Johan page 4 from manual mention, the internal relays can do 0.7amp. Check how much current your Tyco relays use. You can also have REC, BMS switch on 1 Tyco, and the other 2 Tyco, switch on by ...
I used a 2.94 from another sourse as from Now I downloaded the version from the link above. Installed it, it worked pe...
@Trevor check in manual communication CANS? Is it set at 2? If not send command: CANS 2 Check with CANS? Again. My system runs nice. Your reset the mppt and others chargers to get ...
@W the profit from DVCC is that when cells are almost full and cells have a slight imbalance, the charger start adjusting the charge to avoid one cell goes to high. Much better for the cells...
@W To move a shunt from negative to positive will not solve the problem you see. The WS500 only monitors the shunt, it does not matter or that shunt is in negative or positive. IF the s...
Here are some links, which you maybe have missed on the Wakespeed website.
@W the shunt from the ws500, looks like installed in the main positive from the battery!! The shunt need to be installed in the positive from alternator. (As in manual is discribed) In th...
I didn't test the new Gui myself. Does the app show positive amps? Are shunt wires reversed? If so can be changed in the app setting also.
@W can you post screenshot. Probably what you see is that there is no seperated widget for alternator. The DC load widget is calculated, and will show a negative value.
1. Make a proper CaNbus network. This means on both sides from network a resistor.You installed one a the ws500, but you didn't write or you install on the REC BMS side. Usu...
@Mark suggestion also have the WiFi unit with newest firmware. Sometimes good to start with a new formatted SD card in the WiFi unit. The shunt value is just a setting, under "setti...
@Gerard a little late this answer The relay in your link, use lesser as 100uAmp, in on position, and a few mAmp at the control wire. The amps for switching the relay, 4-7amp, comes from the...
There are 2 version of firmware. See the text doc, when you downloaded the new firmware. You need xx.x.1 or XX.x.2 depend on your installation, see same worddoc. ...
@Jonny maybe this is helpfull. See wakespeed website.
@Christopher , The max charge, float setting en recharge settings is just one example to get the system running. You can change this settings to the settings you like yourself.
@Christopher I put your settings in a calculation sheet with the formulas from the manual. Result in: Bulk charge max 14.18V Float 13.08V Restart charging, if below 13.04. If you volta...
I did a test. Installed a fresh downloaded firmware. Made the suggested settings. All worked. (I use a test setup, with 4 LED to monitor all outputs) Advise, double check firmware version. Aft...
@Ronald For me is not clear which minimum voltage you change in your test. If you did this in Task under relay1, then you are programming relay1, as a "low voltage" shut down. Not what you w...
@Ronald the opto are other outputs, see manual.
@Ronald There are different manuals, I don't know what your pag 7 shows. About the settings from previous post. Under task the settings are for charge relay, use cable marked with C...
The setup you describe is "separated charge and load bus" You need to install the correct from the readme file:2...
Hello John, Did you try to set in task, "7" on, for the charge bus. Load bus, I expect don't switch off at that temperature. It don't solve all your question, but the system will wor...
@John a probably solution is to use output: relay1 and opto2. Under task you can make different settings. See screenshot from task menu.
@Ryan I installed many V1 board. Nothing changed on pin layout with newer versions. Did you checked that your harness is a Ntype harness? If you have a Nharness and your test light is between the...
You can repeat this test, with testlight connected to blue and negative. This 2 test will show or you use the correct cable harness. Take also a ohm reading from, Brush 1, to negative, positive,...
You can test the field output with by connecting a testlight. Disconnect the blue from alternator, and connect a light to this blue wire. Other side testligt to positive( with N wiring harness) ...
Sometimes it is quicker to install one new wire from the key, instead off finding the correct wire in a cable loom. I don't prefer the extra relay, only when there is no other solution.
Is your alternator P or N? Knowing this, I can tell what to test. Also posting some pictures from your wiring can be helpfull to give advice.
Yes you can. But what is the problem ? Since 2.9 and the user programmable of CVLC , it is much better to make a nice "float" setting. (Stop charging)