I have used an Arduino Uno with a 2.8\" TFT LCD to make a remote display that captures serial data generated already by the regulator (well I could have done it that way, but instead I use my own serial strings) to display Volts, Amps, Temp, PWM% (field drive), Charging mode, countdown during warm-up and ramp-up, a flag for external input (used to cycle down PWM% when my scuba compressor is engaged on the genset), and any error states. ALSO, this text display alternates with a GRAPHICIAL DISPLAY which shows are history of the battery volts and alternator amps. (I am considering color-coding the voltage bars to indicate the charging mode). So, its kinda like having the display of the WS500 Configuration Tool, but smaller, and always there when the regulator is working.
That\'s pretty handy. Feel free to share a few pics. I have considered using an MCP2515 to grab them on the CANBus, then you are not stuck using the serial port.
The strings are well documented and it seems you have parsed them out. Nice one! Also if you notice there are a few other strings that only update every 30 sec or 1 minute that are useful too.
Because I first implemented the OLED screen using I2C, I ended up not using the serial strings that the system generates and made my own serial strings. I only output data as the data changes, but for some things, like the countdown time for warmup and ramping, can be every second. I also have a few things I output that are not in the system serial output, and I did not want to change those system serial output strings. But yes, if I only was doing the remote screen, parsing the available serial strings would be the way to go.
The remote display consists of an Uno board, a 12V to 9V converter (which can tolerate higher input voltages without getting hot compared to the Uno board), and a 2.8\" TFT LCD shield.
The serial is only one-way (from the regulator to the Uno), so you could use serial instead of CAN and still have the serial for other things (since you can have multiple \"listeners\" on the serial output line).