REC Pre-Charge module manual and/or wiring diagram

  • Hello, Today I went to wire up my pre-charge module and noticed that the diagram in the latest REC ABMS Manual, as well as the lates REC Pre-Charge Module manual, illustrate what appears to be an older version of the module with only 6 screw terminals for I/O.  The unit I received has 10 I/O pins and a molex connector.  The pins are labeled, but seem to be labeled differently (I.E. previously \"BMS Input +\", now only \"BMS Input GND\" and \"PACK +\" -- additionally there appear to be 2 pairs of outputs for a contactors, but they are labelled \"N/SET Coil +/-\" and \"RESET Coil +/-\".  It is not clear what these labels mean, or which one would go to which contactor (load/vs charge bus).  There is some reference to \"Set/Reset\" in the current manual, but only on Page 3 Table 2 which shows a color-coded wiring diagram, which seems to have no relation to the actual product, since no wires are present at all. Additionally, it is not clear under what criteria I should choose 15 or 30 ohm \"System +\" inputs. Ideally, a new manual would be nice (perhaps one has been made but not released? this seems common in the REC ecosystem).  A post explaining all the pins intended purpose would be great as well   Thanks for all your support!

  • Update: I received an updated 2.8 firmware for ABMS from Tine today, and it included a 2.8 manual which contains the updated diagram, which solves this all for me :)   Cheers

  • Awesome, I can take it off of my Todo list :)

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