How to read error log from REC Master BMS

  • From a customer:
    Can you assist me in explaining the correct "ERRO?"  Error message retrieval for the BMS System?

    Using master device address: 16
    I enter the message string: ERRO?
    The response is: 4 as expected
    However, I am unable to figure out how to properly retrieve the actual ERRO message array.
    Following this language from the manual:

    "Returns error log FiFO
    line, by sending Query
    multiple times user gets
    all 8 logs."
    Response from Tine of REC  (paraphrased)
    First you enter:    ERRO? then the 4 is sent back from the BMS
    To have it then display the codes you then press Receive to get the array of 4 fields and select the hex button  (ASCII will not help you.)

  • From said customer:

    Actually, for a Master - Slave configuration "ERRL?" is required to retrieve the Log array

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