REC-Active Firmware update

  • When I open the thumb drive that was sent with the BMS, shouldn't  I find this (below) page?

    If not, where can I find it?


  • You need to install and run the PC software tool first.

    You can download the software and install it like any other windows app.

    Once it is installed you can download the firmware update.

    Here are some links that should help.

    PC software user manual and download link:

    How to connect your BMS using a PC tutorial:

  • I guess my writting is not very clear.

    My question about the software is:  Can I download it off the web, or do I have to buy it?

  • it is free to download off of our REC North America site.  I already sent you a link to the downloads section in my first reply.  Just click on the REC Master Control zip file "Download" button, wait for it to download then unzip/extract it, then double click on the exe file and follow the directions

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