The issue was the WS500 pro shipped with bad firmware. Version 2.6.0 is bad, needed to get in touch with WS and get sn early version of 2.6.1 to make it work.
The issue was the WS500 pro shipped with bad firmware. Version 2.6.0 is bad, needed to get in touch with WS and get sn early version of 2.6.1 to make it work.
Does anyone have a json they can share using a REC BMS and a WS500? I can't seem to get my WS to see my REC BMS. I've verfied the wiring 100x and followed every "how to" I can find onli...
@tine Are you planning to integrate it to the control panel main screen? I'm not sure what you mean? My plugin is for SignalK not VenusOS.
I've taken this a step further and written a plugin for SignalK that uses the new features in the latest WiFi module. If you're a marine user that uses SignalK give it a go. It's live in the app st...
@tine I've also found another bug. Max charge current and discharge current are not updating dynamically. {"type":"settings","cmin":2.5,"cmax":3.75,"tmax":55,"bvol":3.55,"bm...
@tine I've been running the new WiFi firmware for a few days now and the websockets feature is working great. I have noticed what might be a bug. I'm having issues unlocking the BMS now wit...
@tine I had some trouble with that firmware this morning but I've resolved it by manually adding the .bin files to the SD card and the websockets addition is working great! I think this satif...
@tine @Rick I sent an email but the basics are I was able to get the eprom and bootloader flashed but I cannot get firmware 2.9.4 to work at all and 2.9.3 seems to work but I cannot unlock ...
Alright, update for anyone who is interested in this topic. After discovering that the WiFI module does indeed rednder data from the http://wifi_url/ws path (raw data not websocket) I was able to s...
@tine Looking into it further I do see you are already providing some values via RAW data stream on the WiFi. Located at http://wifi_url/ws Can we get this turned into a proper websockets ...
@tine I am opening this topic, because a client requested cell voltage data on the CAN bus for Victron. Since this is not supported in the original Victron GX protocol, NodeRED shou...
I was the customer that requested this feature be enabled and @Ben it's not something that anyone "needs" but is a "feature" that some would benefit from. There are several use cases mo...
@Rick Awesome and thank you! Hoping @tine gets back soon and we can figure out how to repair my soon to be "spare" and I can get it sorted without having to send it back. Thanks agai...
@tine Looks like the update overwited the bootloader code when turned off somehow. If you connect the WiFi or PC user interface and select firmware update and reset the BMS it does not start ...
@Rick Did you contact him about this issue? I have not, just wanted to make sure.
@W Any chance you could give a more detailed explination of what Tine had you do? Maybe copy and paste the emails from him here? Would be helpful for others.
So I was actually talking via email to Tine Andrejasic from the parent company about this very topic. The best way would be for REC to include the values we need in the data sent to VenusOS and hav...
@Stefano Greetings all. I am configuring and integrating a LiFePo4 stans alone 3P4S 12V (942 Ah) with REC Active MBS w/wifi and precharge in my current system which I describe at the bottom...
@Rick Did the clock battery long shot and no change, also took the time to test all six internal fuses and they are fine.
@Rick I have only seen this a couple of times and it was because the wifi module is connected to the load side of contactor instead of the battery side and the power is disconnected from the modul...
@Bill Caswell you could use a service called tailscale to create a VPN into your network. This is one of the ways I access my system via starlink. You will need to have an always on network ...
@John Yes I have, this would be one of the first things I did in troubleshootingTrouble shooting steps have been power cylced multiple timesverfied all connections (although nothing changed)tried ...
Hello all, hopeing for some late night help. I was attempting to upgrade the firmware on my ABMS via the WiFi module and something failed. BMS is non functioning now, I get a single red flash and n...