What is the failure mode when a slave battery is unavailable?

  • I'm planning a build using 2x16S batteries for a catamaran. Each battery should be redundant from the other one, and if one fail, the other one should remain available.

    I want to know what is the failure mode with the REC Master Slave system, if one of the slave is offline or has a problem? Is it possible to isolate the problematic pack and continue along with the healthy one, although in a degraded capacity?

    For context: I currently have a single REC Q BMS for the entire pack and experienced a failure in one of the components (not sure if it was the BMS or the Precharge unit). This disabled my entire propulsion bank, making me unable to move the boat.  I decided to remedy this lack of redundancy in a redesign.

  • in a parallel high current Master slave config, each slave controls and monitors its own pack and if an error is detected in that pack it will shut down and any remaining packs will continue to provide energy provided they are not in an alarm condition.  If for any reason you want your system to shut down on any pack failure you can use relay output #1 on the Master for this function.


    Also, if you currently have a standalone system it can be updated to a slave and vice versa simply by finding the serial number and requesting an update from us or REC directly, as each original Q series BMS is keyed to the serial #.  Firmware can be updated using either the PC software or WiFi module

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