"Newbie question" re "normalized 12v 500Ah battery" comments in Comms manual

  • from page 34 in the "Wakespeed-Communications-and-Configuration-Guide-v2.5.0-09.26.2022.pdf"

    "Defining Charging Voltages and Amps – All volts and amps used in the Charge Profile Entries are represented by a normalized 12v 500Ah battery and are automatically scaled depending on the sampled battery voltage at startup and the setting of the Battery Capacity DIP switches."

    I am struggling to understand the "normalized 12v 500Ah battery" concepts that are referenced numerous times in the comms guide and which settings it applies to and which it does not.

    This is a basic question as I try to orientate myself, and stitch together my understanding of how to design my system. At some point, I hope to become as fluent as many of the folks here on the forum but... Damn... this is a steep learning curve...

  • I will try and illustrate this with an example.

    I have a battery bank of 750Ah. The maximum charge rate for my batteries is listed as 0.2C, so 0.2 x 750 = 150A.

    My battery bank is 750 ÷ 500 = 1.5 times larger than the normalised 500Ah bank.

    For the normalised 500Ah bank, the max charge rate on the WS500 needs to be set to my max charhe rate divided by the size ratio, max charge rate = 150 ÷ 1.5 = 100A.

    The same applies for any specified currents such as the tail current to exit absorption and go to float.

    Luckily the app does this work for you. You input the capacity of your bank, the normalised max charge current and the app lists the actual max charge current for your bank as a cross check so you know that you have it set correctly.

  • Thanks, this is very good example. I will go back to the WS App and put in my values and then post them here for comparison and to see if I did it correctly.

  • normalized simply means that the system parameters are all based on a 12V system, with 12V being equal to one.

    So a 24V system would be a 2 (2 x 1)

    A 32 V system would be 2.667

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