• I logged in to the REC BMS WiFi module today and suddenly saw a "PROBLEM WITH SD CARD, LOGGING IS DISABLED" message.

    SD Card info under the "Settings" tab shows this:




    Where is this SD card and what can I do to resolve this?

    Thank you!

  • Its on the module under a steel slip clip.  Just remove the 4 screws on the case.  There should be a couple of posts on it if you search, but basically you just remove it, reformat it with FAT32 and reinstall.  If you need to replace it, the max size is 32GB as I recall.


  • @Rick Thanks, I'll try that.

  • @Eran Did a re-formatted SD card solve your problem? I'm having the same issue.

  • Life's been busy and I haven't gotten around to trying it. It's a bit inaccessible in my build so I need some time and patience to get to it.

  • I've been having the problem for a while, and now a much larger problem with my REC BMS Q series. I'll try to solve the SD card problem at the same time and let you know.

  • Thank you, I apprecaite that! Good luck!

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