How many Cerbo GX's do I need?

  • Can I connect my (3) REC-BMS+Wakespeeds WS500 to a single CERBO GX or do I need one for each battery system.

    My setup will be have three LiFePO4 battery systems: 

    1. 12v generator start battery

    2. 24v main engine start battery

    3. 24v house bank battery 

  • I am a newbie at this.

    The system descibed above is for my sailboat. It has three alternators that are managed by Wakespeed WS500 smart regulators, 3 separate REC Bms systems that are used to control and protect each of the three batteries.

    My question centers around having all of three of Wakespeeds, and the REC-BMS devices on the same bus by being tied to one Cerbo GX.

    I do not yet know or understand it this is possible or advisable.

    The two 24v batteries are generally kept separate but there is a parallel switch that can be used to tie the two 24 volts systems together for emergency operations, for example if the start battery for the main engine becomes depleted.

    Joining the house bank to the start bank will allow me to start the main engine. I am looking to simplify the set up for single point monitoring.

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