How to connect a REC 2Q to your Victron VE.CAN port

  • With recent upgrades of the Venus/Cerbo firmware to 3.3X and REC-BMS 2Q Firmware 1.5 the REC 2Q BMS will now work properly on the Victron VE. CAN port instead of using the BMS.CAN port.  This will allow for both the WS500 and REC to reside on this network concurrently while taking advantage of Victrons DVCC control

    Here is a quick video to help you through the steps.


    PLEASE NOTE:  At 3 minutes into the video you need to power off/power back on the BMS to reset the CANS speed.

    OGM Energy REC-BMS to Victron Cerbo VE.CAN port Video Link

  • We have also created a REC 2Q/Cerbo Interface manual.  The Active BMS has an update 2.9.5 coming that will standardize commands between the Active BMS and 2Q and in a few weeks and we will update the manual to include it then.

    To download it, click here:  REC 2Q BMS to Victron Cerbo Interface Guide

    For Active BMS users with 2.9.4 use these commands to set the baud rate.  The CHRG instruction is not used.  It is only for the 2Q Series which supports many chargers and inverters.

    For firmware 2.9.4  set the baud rate using:
    For 11 bit CAN systems
    Command:  CANS 2     (for 250k)
    should reply with ok
    Command:  CANS?
    should reply with 2
    If using the 29 bit CAN protocol
    Command:  CANS 130  9for 250k)
    should reply with ok
    Command:  CANS?
    should reply with 130

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