Relay switching capacity of the REC BMS

  • Hello Can you please tell me if the switching channel in the REC signal lines labeled DHC F & DHC NO can directly drive the Tyco EV200AAANA without blowing the BMS internal slow blow fuse? The Tyco spec sheet indicates an inrush current of 3.8 amps for 130 mS typical (max 200mS). Then it drops to a much lower level in the range of 150 mA or less. To your knowledge, is there any long term effect to the fuse with that much inrush current?

  • Long time ago this posting is done. I don't have an answer. But more a related question.

    I would like to install a bi-stable relais.  I was think about: But this one needs 4 Amp when switching. Is the Active -BMS with REC Pre-charge unit capabele to drive this relay ? Or has someone a better suggestion for a bi-stable relay ?

    Thanks for your reaction !



  • @Gerard a little late this answer

    The relay in your link, use lesser as 100uAmp, in on position, and a few mAmp at  the control wire.

    The amps for switching the relay, 4-7amp, comes from the big m10 contacts.


    REC has different type off precharge unit, old and new model.

    You need to check or the precharge unit gives a positive signal to control, the Whisper/TBS relay.

    This Wispher/TBS relay, you can use it as 2 wire control, same as a real latching relay.

    Or, "control with one wire", as a normal style relay.

    I use this relays with one wire control, is better in my view.

  • Hi @Ben  

    How do you wire the TBS with "control with one wire" to the REC ABMS?



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