Rec data to home assistant

  • Has anyone played with getting data out of the ABMS either via RS485 or via Wifi module web server queries to home assistant.

    ideally, I would like to get realtime battery health and individual cell voltages to be displayed on a dashboard realtime.


    Has anyone played around with this? is there a way of getting data out of wifi module?

  • Sure, you can query the Wifi module or use the RS485.  The RS485 protocol is covered in the manual.

    I have a request in to enginerring for a list of http variables available and will post it when I can.

  • @Rick awesome, do you have any details on how and what to query the wifi module?


    is there a list of URL syntax? i just want the individual cells, temp, amps etc

  • Here is something that may help.  I havent had a chance to check it out myself yet.

    Use __BACKTICK__  to use placeholders that are listed below.
    You can type in a __BACKTICK__ ( __\`__ )  by pressing __ALT__ + __9__ + __6__
    All HTML pages, except `login.html` go through this processor that replaces placeholders.
    ### Available placeholders
    | Placeholder       |  Value                                            |
    | WIFI_NAME         |  WiFi SSID                                        |
    | BMS_NAME          |  BMS's serial number                              |
    | HW_VER            |  BMS's hardware version                           |
    | SW_VER            |  BMS's software version                           |
    | C_HW_V            |  WiFi's hardware version                          |
    | C_SW_V            |  WiFi's software version                          |
    | LOCK_STATUS       |  Communciation locked                             |
    | FAHR              |  Temperature selection                            |
    | LOGIN_USER        |  Login page username                              |
    | LOGIN_EN          |  Login page enabled/disabled                      |
    | WIFI_MODE         |  WiFi mode (STA/AP)                               |
    | WIFI_MAC          |  Device's MAC address                             |
    | SIGNAL            |  Device's signal strength                         |
    | WIFI_IP           |  Set IP                                           |
    | WIFI_GATEWAY      |  Set Gateway                                      |
    | WIFI_SUBNET       |  Set subnet                                       |
    | SD_CARD_PROBLEM   |  HTML banner if there is a problem with SD card   |
    | INTERVAL          |  Logging interval text                            |
    | SD_CARD_TOTAL     |  Total SD card space                              |
    | SD_CARD_REMAINING |  Remaining SD card space                          |
    | SD_CARD_USED      |  Used SD card space                               |
    | SD_CARD_TIME_LEFT |  Time left to fill up the card                    |
    | LOGGED_IN         |  Logged in && login page enabled                  |
    ## Getting data
    All data in requests and logs is in JSON format. You can decode it into JavaScript by using `parseJSON(data);`
    You can get data by making a request on `/get_data` to get system settings and `/cell` to get system status.
    Also there are 2 web sockets running, one for system status and the other for system settings, both are being sent every second.
    ## JSON format
    "bms_array": {
      "master": {
        "time_remaining": Time remaining string
        "st_naprav": number of connected devices
        "time": time (if BMS has RTC)
        "date": date (if BMS has RTC)
        "mincell": lowest cell voltage
        "maxcell": highest cell voltage
        "ibat": battery current
        "tmax": max temperature
        "vbat": battery voltage
        "soh": SOH
        "erro": {
          "present": 0, if error present
          "addr": 1,    address of the device
          "st": 0,      error number
          "con_st": 0   position of error
        "error": error msg
      "slave": {  all connected slaves' data
        "0": {
          "address":    address of bms,
          "st_temp":    number of temperature sensors,
          "temp_bms":   temperature of the bms,
          "st_celic":   number of cells,
          "temp":       sensor temperatures,
          "res": cell impedances,
          "nap": cell voltages

  • Nice, JSON interface for http://x.x.x.x/cell and http://x.x.x.x/get_data are really useful for quickly inspecting configuration and status.

  • Hey Lure, if you could share a bit of your code or a github link to help others get started, that would be awesome!!

  • after a lot of head-scratching I finally got this:

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