Has anyone played with getting data out of the ABMS either via RS485 or via Wifi module web server queries to home assistant.
ideally, I would like to get realtime battery health and individual cell voltages to be displayed on a dashboard realtime.
Has anyone played around with this? is there a way of getting data out of wifi module?
Sure, you can query the Wifi module or use the RS485. The RS485 protocol is covered in the manual.
I have a request in to enginerring for a list of http variables available and will post it when I can.
@Rick awesome, do you have any details on how and what to query the wifi module?
is there a list of URL syntax? i just want the individual cells, temp, amps etc
Here is something that may help. I havent had a chance to check it out myself yet.
Use __BACKTICK__ to use placeholders that are listed below.
You can type in a __BACKTICK__ ( __\`__ ) by pressing __ALT__ + __9__ + __6__
All HTML pages, except `login.html` go through this processor that replaces placeholders.
### Available placeholders
| Placeholder | Value |
| BMS_NAME | BMS's serial number |
| HW_VER | BMS's hardware version |
| SW_VER | BMS's software version |
| C_HW_V | WiFi's hardware version |
| C_SW_V | WiFi's software version |
| LOCK_STATUS | Communciation locked |
| FAHR | Temperature selection |
| LOGIN_USER | Login page username |
| LOGIN_EN | Login page enabled/disabled |
| WIFI_MODE | WiFi mode (STA/AP) |
| WIFI_MAC | Device's MAC address |
| SIGNAL | Device's signal strength |
| WIFI_IP | Set IP |
| WIFI_GATEWAY | Set Gateway |
| WIFI_SUBNET | Set subnet |
| SD_CARD_PROBLEM | HTML banner if there is a problem with SD card |
| INTERVAL | Logging interval text |
| SD_CARD_TOTAL | Total SD card space |
| SD_CARD_REMAINING | Remaining SD card space |
| SD_CARD_USED | Used SD card space |
| SD_CARD_TIME_LEFT | Time left to fill up the card |
| LOGGED_IN | Logged in && login page enabled |
## Getting data
All data in requests and logs is in JSON format. You can decode it into JavaScript by using `parseJSON(data);`
You can get data by making a request on `/get_data` to get system settings and `/cell` to get system status.
Also there are 2 web sockets running, one for system status and the other for system settings, both are being sent every second.
## JSON format
"bms_array": {
"master": {
"time_remaining": Time remaining string
"st_naprav": number of connected devices
"time": time (if BMS has RTC)
"date": date (if BMS has RTC)
"mincell": lowest cell voltage
"maxcell": highest cell voltage
"ibat": battery current
"tmax": max temperature
"vbat": battery voltage
"soh": SOH
"erro": {
"present": 0, if error present
"addr": 1, address of the device
"st": 0, error number
"con_st": 0 position of error
"error": error msg
"slave": { all connected slaves' data
"0": {
"address": address of bms,
"st_temp": number of temperature sensors,
"temp_bms": temperature of the bms,
"st_celic": number of cells,
"temp": sensor temperatures,
"res": cell impedances,
"nap": cell voltages
Nice, JSON interface for http://x.x.x.x/cell and http://x.x.x.x/get_data are really useful for quickly inspecting configuration and status.
Hey Lure, if you could share a bit of your code or a github link to help others get started, that would be awesome!!
after a lot of head-scratching I finally got this:

So I was actually talking via email to Tine Andrejasic from the parent company about this very topic. The best way would be for REC to include the values we need in the data sent to VenusOS and have it appear on the systems D-BUS. Then you can use the built in MQTT server of VenusOS to get the data in multiple ways to various systems.
Before I moved to the ABMS I was doing this with a cheap JKBMS and some custom driver software but now that I'm with the ABMS I miss having this option.
Here is a screen shot of how I used to monitor my battery and I'm hoping I can work with the software devlopers to have this ability put into the REC firmware, but the language barrier has made emails hard to convey what I'm asking for haha...
They are already sending MIN/MAX cell data to the VenusOS system so why not just a few more.

That would be a great idea. Very nice HMI.