W500 integration with Victron CCGX via CAN

  • I am in the process of installing a new battery bank, external regs (2x W500) and REC BMS.  In my \'taking small steps\' approach I installed with W500s first and want to get them working with my existing house bank. The W500s are installed on the alternators and I have a CAN bus connected with three devices on the bus,  1) Victron CCGX (running latest firmware 2.60) , 2) W500 #1 and 3) W500 #2 (both latest firmware 2.3.1).  Each end of the CAN bus is properly terminated.  What I think is the correct configuration applied to each device. CAN cables are straight through ethernet RJ45 cables and verified ok with a cable tester. W500 config:  Enable NMEA2000 = yes, Enable OSE = yes, Enable_ALT_CAN = 4, BitRate = 0  (250kbps) Victron CCGX Config: Can Port Profile = VE.Can&CAN-bus BMS (250kbps),  NMEA2000-out = yes   This configuration does not allow the CAN devices to communicate.  What am I missing?  Does the CAN bus need a separate power source?  The Victron CCGX CAN Device list is empty. Will this setup not work without the REC BMS also on the bus? Thanks in advance...

  • The pinouts are different between the W500 Can interface and Victron CAN.   With that corrected, the first W500 shows up on the CCGX CAN device list....  Not seeing the second W500.

  • You found it before we could get back to you.  Yes, the pinouts are in the WS500 manual For your second question did you give each ws500 a unique address?

  • Wakespeed has been working with Victron to have a full integration with the Venus style products and as now waiting for Victron to finalize their side of the interface and release it.  Currently the WS500 will be identified on the Venus, but the full integration is still pending.  Hopefully Victron moves on it soon!

  • Can I accurately conclude that this integration requires the REC BMS to be installed to glue these other two pieces together.   So Victron CCGX + W500 alone do NOT integrate,  but Victon CCGX, W500 with added REC BMS integrate.  Is that correct?

  • Blaine, Hello.  Rick asked me to chime in:  You are correct.  What happens is the REC BMS will send charge needs and directions out via CAN which both the WS500 and Victron\'s CCGX receive.   The CCGX will then direct Victron equipment to meet those goals and needs, and the WS500 will manage the alternator to the same goals and needs.  And in this way the charge process is managed well between all equipment, all following the lead of the REC BMS. As to WS500 and CCGX integration, that is still an open switch.  It does seem the Victron display sees the WS500 due to N2K messages, but past that - I am under the impression Victron does not understand the concept of an \'Alternator\'.   We (Wakespeed) have been in contact with Victron and talked about the next steps, but it is a matter of timing and resources on their end. So, for now:  Yes, the REC is the glue in regards to charging, and yes, the Victron seems to see the WS500\'s but is not always sure what to do with them -- as such, today, alternator output is stuffed in that \'other\' box at the bottom of the screen it seems.  But I will also say, the same level of \'Victron Integration\' happens on its display w/o the REC BMS - ala, if one did a full Victron install with Victron BMS, the WS500 will show up on the display in the same way, but in that case BMS integration is not via CAN but via what we refer to as \'Legacy\' integration suing signal wires.  In your case, the REC BMS is controlling the charge process, and in that way can be seen as the \'glue\' -- at least for the charging side of things. I hope this answers you questions, and very glad you got the different RJ45 pinouts sorted!  FWIW, we offer pre-built cross over cables for those who do not want to make their own. -al-  

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