The REC WiFi module defaults to creating its own WiFi network and an IP of I successfully reconfigured it to connect to my local WiFi network, but then realized that it is not possible to change the prefix of the IP address is uses, nor to tell it to request a dynamic address. Is there a different approach to this that could work? I need to change its IP to one in the 10.0.x.x range.

Thank you,
No idea why my post didn’t work, here is what I meant to say:
is it possible to change the REC WiFi module’s IP address out of the 192.164.x.x range?
Just happened to watch your recently posted firmware update video
@rick_tech_support, and saw that your module appears to have way more options than mine. I only have the IP setting, and only the last two octets at that!
From your video:

Is it safe to go ahead and upgrade to the latest firmware, then?
I\'m going to assume this is because my module has firmware v1.1 and that video shows v1.2.