Bricked ABMS?

  • Hello all, hopeing for some late night help. I was attempting to upgrade the firmware on my ABMS via the WiFi module and something failed. BMS is non functioning now, I get a single red flash and nothing else when I turn on the BMS. It does not cycle with another flash.

    Issue: BMS is non functioning after attempted firmware upgrade
    Symptoms: non functioning, single red flash, no serial data flowing

    I have a RS485 adapter and cable, I have the software and serial terminal software. Any tips I can do to hopefully get back into my BMS and flash the firmware? I live on my boat and this is a critical system, any help would be appreaciated.


  • Have you tried turning the BMS off and back on.  That is what I do when mine messes up and it has worked so far!

  • @John Yes I have, this would be one of the first things I did in troubleshooting

    Trouble shooting steps have been

    power cylced multiple times
    verfied all connections (although nothing changed)
    tried to vew serial data via a terminal program (putty) with no luck
    monitored LED lights for hints of the issue but again it only flash one single red light then does not repeat. 

  • @Richard @Rick  

  • I have only seen this a couple of times and it was because the wifi module is connected to the load side of contactor instead of the battery side and the power is disconnected from the module when the BMS resets during the update process.

    From another thread it seems Tine at head office may have a workaround and by way of this post I am hoping he can offer some advice but in the meantime

    1)  If you need emergency temporary power you may try connecting the red Tyco contactor coil power lead to your battery +.  This should power up your system but CAUTION as it bypasses the BMS's safety functions.  Remove the AMP connector on the BMS first and keep a multimeter handy, monitor your cell voltages and pack temperatures and never leave it unattended.

    2)  Try connecting using the RS485 cable and PC software.  We have tutorials and manuals and the PC software here on our site

    3)  This is a longshot but using an M10 torx driver, remove the case screws, slide out the PC board, remove the clock battery, wait a minute, re-assemble and reinstall

    I see your order here and our shipping department is closed weekends, but I have reached out to the manager to see if we can get this order processed as soon as possible.

    @Tine Andrejasic 

  • @Rick

    I have only seen this a couple of times and it was because the wifi module is connected to the load side of contactor instead of the battery side and the power is disconnected from the module when the BMS resets during the update process.

    I installed the BMS system with this in mind. I knew I wanted the WiFi module to be always on. It is powered directly from the battery pack before the contactor, the only device in my system that is other than the ABMS of course. Something failed software wise, I believe it's not even making it to the bootloader. 

    1)  If you need emergency temporary power you may try connecting the red Tyco contactor coil power lead to your battery +.  This should power up your system but CAUTION as it bypasses the BMS's safety functions.  Remove the AMP connector on the BMS first and keep a multimeter handy, monitor your cell voltages and pack temperatures and never leave it unattended.

    This is exactly what I have done.

    2)  Try connecting using the RS485 cable and PC software.  We have tutorials and manuals and the PC software here on our site

    I have tried several times with several RS485 connectors, I'm a marine electrician by trade so I had several onhand and have the ability and knowledge needed to interface with serial data. So I'm nearly 100% sure no serial data is flowing and the BMS is not getting past an early stage of booting. 

    3)  This is a longshot but using an M10 torx driver, remove the case screws, slide out the PC board, remove the clock battery, wait a minute, re-assemble and reinstall

    I will try this today and report back

    I see your order here and our shipping department is closed weekends, but I have reached out to the manager to see if we can get this order processed as soon as possible.

    Thank you, that would be great. A spare onboard isn't a bad idea anyway so I don't really mind buying a 2nd to keep handy for future issues. 

    Can you send me an email about how to start the warranty process for the one that is bad? 

  • @Rick  

    Did the clock battery long shot and no change, also took the time to test all six internal fuses and they are fine. 

  • Let's wait to hear back from Tine at REC to see if can help before we do a warranty claim.  If not, we will get you sorted next week.

  • @Rick 

    Did you contact him about this issue? I have not, just wanted to make sure. 

  • Looks like the update overwited the bootloader code when turned off somehow. If you connect the WiFi or PC user interface and  select firmware update and reset the BMS it does not start updating right? Was the WiFi on the system side of the contactor?


    @ Rick Do we have any USB ISP programmers in the US to send it with the .eep and bootloader .hex?

  • Not handy, but Amazon should be able to get him one quickly.  From what I recall it will look something like this.  I think this customer is pretty technical too and should be able to re-install the bootloader.

    I don't have an open ABMS PCB handy but if it supports the 6 or 10 pin header I think this will work.  If not, he may need a small jumper wire kit to go pin to pin.

    Tine, please give it a quick look to make sure this will work. :)

    ISP USB bootloader

    Amazon wire kit

    @Tine Andrejasic 

    @o-firstname lastname 


  • @tine Looks like the update overwited the bootloader code when turned off somehow. If you connect the WiFi or PC user interface and  select firmware update and reset the BMS it does not start updating right? Was the WiFi on the system side of the contactor?

    Correct, it does not start and the WiFi module is powered directly from the battery.

    I suspect that the small on/off switch is to blame here. I've noticed that when I "bump" it (not engage the rocker) the ABMS will power cycle. I'm going to replace it with a higher quality switch today. 


    Not handy, but Amazon should be able to get him one quickly.  From what I recall it will look something like this.  I think this customer is pretty technical too and should be able to re-install the bootloader.

    I don't have an open ABMS PCB handy but if it supports the 6 or 10 pin header I think this will work.  If not, he may need a small jumper wire kit to go pin to pin.

    Tine, please give it a quick look to make sure this will work. :)

    ISP USB bootloader

    Amazon wire kit

    I've done chip level flashing before with devices like this, if given the files needed and basic procedures I believe I can do it. As soon as @tine confirms this will model will work I will order one. 

  • We bumped up your shipping to 2 day UPS on the backup air and it went out today :)

  • @Rick 

    Awesome and thank you! 

    Hoping @tine gets back soon and we can figure out how to repair my soon to be "spare" and I can get it sorted without having to send it back. 

    Thanks again for the support thus far. Standing by. 

  • I send o-firstime a private message for his email so I can share the chip upload files and schematics

  • @tine @Rick  

    I sent an email but the basics are I was able to get the eprom and bootloader flashed but I cannot get firmware 2.9.4 to work at all and 2.9.3 seems to work but I cannot unlock any of the settings. I think it's time for a replacment. 

    Just pinging you here in case you didn't see the email. 

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