2.94 Firmware Update Issue Rec A BMS

  • I just updated my Rec A BMS to 2.94, and immediately afterwards my Victron system lost communication with the Rec. I have a Cerbo GX, Multiplus 12/3000, Smart MPPT's, Samrt Shunt etc, all has been working fine for over a year.

    I tried disconnecting and reconnecting the Cerbo, restarting the Cerbo, restarting the Rec.

    I had to manually restart the Multiplus and MPPT's to get charging again.

    Please point me in the right direction!



  • Head office just advised us of an issue with 2.9.4 and we just posted a rerelease of the update here on the REC North America site


    hope that helps

  • @Rick It did not. On the Cerbo under BMS - Can port it's just reading REC: N/A

  • @Trevor check in manual communication  CANS?

    Is it set at 2?

    If not send command: CANS 2 

    Check with CANS? Again.

    My system runs nice.

    Your reset the mppt and others chargers to get them charged again.

    Yes this is normal behaviour if communication with the BMS is lost.

  • @Ben Hi Ben, yes the Send address for communication is set to 2 still.

    The system has been running great for over a year, it was just the update that changed something, can't figure out what it is.

  • @Rick I just reverted back to 2.93-1 and the REC immediately showed up on the Cerbo.

  • I used a 2.94 from another sourse as from


    Now I downloaded the version from the link above.

     Installed it,  it worked perfect.

    Restart an extra time, all worked, still connection with Cerbo.

    Strange why it didnt work on yours.

    Double check or GX, Services/VE.CAN port/CAn bus profile is set at (Ve.can & VE-bus BMS(250kbits/s)

    After changing CANS 2,  speed 250, you did a restart?


    Extra note:

    Nothing todo with NO communication, but after upgrade to 2.94, the new function MODE is at 1.

    See info from txt file at download link.

    MODE 1  is for Main relay, charge and discharge switch off

    MODE 2 is for main relay, only discharge switch off. FOR charge switch off, program relay 1 under TASK.

    One more note:

    See new function, which I personally like and Iam happy it is finally there.

    UBDI  (End of charge allowed cell voltage difference)

    I set this to 0.025 instead of the factory setting from 0.008




  • Good clarification on this Ben.

    I think Trevor misunderstood your CANS (CAN speed) reference and thought you meant device address.

    Trevor, your CANS parameter should be set to either 2 or 3 depending on your GX device





    BTW, version 2.9.4 updated manual is now available for download here too:


  • @Ben Thank you, I tried again this morning and when I successfully install 2.94 the REC disconnects from the Cerbo, I don't know why.

    I switch back to 2.93 and it works perfectly.

  • Did you try changing the CANS parameter to 2 or 3?

  • @Trevor really strange.  I have 2 setups running with 2.94. Non off them have any problem.

    suggestion to test, with 2.94.

    under settings/manual communication.

    Type address: 2

    Type command: CANS?

    press submit.

    is the answer value: 2?  If 2 thats ok.

    if not:

    Type address: 2

    Type command; CANS 2

    press submit.

    is the answer value: 2?  should be!!!, Let us know what you see after pressing submit.


    see also my previouw question:

    Double check or GX, Services/VE.CAN port/CAn bus profile is set at (Ve.can & VE-bus BMS(250kbits/s).


    OR maybe try this, download:





  • i just installed the rec active bms.   when i updated the firmware to 2.94 it stopped communicating with the cerbo gx.   i went back to the 2.93 and all is good.   i will just stay on 2.93 



  • @tom That's so bizarre, I'm about to revisit mine as well. I have just had it on 2.93 the last 6 months

  • Guys, there have been some enhancements to the REC/Victron CANBus connectivity.

    Check out this thread:    https://ogm-energy.com/community/ogm-user-forum/topic/154310/new-rec-bms-and-victron-cerbo-dvcc-integration-guide

  • @Rick Hey Rick I'm at my wits end with this thing, tried 2.94 again and followed the updated guide with no positive results. Back to 2.93 but now I'm getting errors, such as in the screenshot posted below. I also got an internal error the other day, I think it overheated trying to balance cells. If I wanted to just replace it, would I be better off going with the 2Q, since I have 12 304Ah cells in a 3p4s config?

  • @Trevor

    It won't let me send manual messages to update the SOC, and I'm not sure whats going on with the temp sensor. Individual cell voltages read normal when I go to that page, as well as the temperature page. 

  • Trevor, it looks like your install is corrupted.  If you remove the M10 screws from the case and slide out the PCB there is a clock backup battery.  Not sure if it will help, but you can try removing it for 30 seconds and replacing it before doing the update again.

    We have received a 2.9.5 preliminary update from REC but havent had a chance to test it inhouse yet.

    If you would like to test it please send me an email to support@ogm-energy.com and I will send it to you.

  • My system has been working flawlessly for 3 years except for the Wifi module.  For some reason, it will only function in Station mode.  When I scan for networks, nothing happens.  I've also not been able to read or set several variables.  But the ABMS has been great from day 1.  Until two days ago.

    Several days ago, while at anchor, the current reading on my ABMS suddenly started indicated a phantom current draw of about 80 amps.  Looking at the Victron history, it was almost a step-change.  After running around in a panic looking for the fault, I realized it was instrumentation.  Heck, no problem!  I'm an instrumentation engineer after all.   A clamp-on ammeter verified our usual evening load of 25 amps, but the current reading on the ABMS was 111 amps.  The SOC was slowly integrating down.  After reading the "unstable current reading" thread on this forum, I inspected the AMP connector pins, shunt wiring, circuit board.  Everything looked perfect.  Plugging the ABMS connector back in, the phantom current appeared for a few minutes then went away.  The next morning we headed to a marina for shore power and I read the ABMS support forum and the updated manuals.  I then updated the Wifi module from 1.5.8 to 1.6.3.  This took a few tries.  I eventually paused an hour between every step and that worked.  I could now read and set RAZL for the first time.  But I still couldn't join the Wifi module to my boat network.

    I next updated the ABMS from 2.6.? to 2.9.3 (2.9.4 seems to be problematic).  That's when things started to go downhill.  First, I noticed the phantom current draw had returned.  I slowly went over everything again.  I discovered the bad current reading was related to the Amphenol connector.  When I applied pressure to the connector on the side opposite the current shunt pins, the amperage would return to normal.  I disassembled everything and looked at it all with a scope.  The board was intact.  All solder joints and conformal coating were intact with no signs of heating.  The pins on the ABMS connector were straight and the tiny sockets on the wiring loom connector looked good.  No a hint of corrosion anywhere.  I re-assembled, then noticed the Canbus was no longer talking to my Victron system.  I power cycled everything to no avail.  Remembering comments from @Ben in this thread, I tried to read the CANS parameter.  I need it to be set to 3 for my 500k baud link.  It returned "ERROR 1".  I found I could read many other variables successfully, but not that one.

    Then I made the fateful decision to downgrade the ABMS firmware to 2.9.2.  The update failed with the progress bar at 25% and the ABMS is now dead.  The red LED lights briefly when power is applied, but otherwise, there's no sign of life.  I tried removing the backup battery with no effect.  Internal fuses in the ABMS are all good.

    I'm starting to wonder if the SD card in my Wifi unit might be corrupt.  That might explain why it was so difficult to update my Wifi module firmware.  I certainly seem to have a problem with the Amphenol connector and/or wiring loom.  And my ABMS is bricked.  It looks like I'll need to stay on shore power at the marina and get some parts shipped to New Zealand.

  • It sounds like your bootloader may have become corrupted.  If you are handy and have a USB AVR programmer you may be able to reload it. No guarantees but it might be worth a try.

    Please email me at support@ogm-energy.com and I can send you the info that Tine passed on to me.



  • @Richard As tip for every one that do any firmware upgrade or downgrade.

    after starting the process,

    The first meassge you see, is "uploaded succesfully" 

    Process is not yet finisched.

    This message tells you, the file is uploaded to the WIFI unit.


    Never swtich the unit off and on again, before the App tells you todo!!

    Mainly the process goes quick, within a few minutes, but sometimes it takes longer, upto 15 minutes, be PATIENT, wait till the BMS switch on the contactors again.



    I have NO idea, why it sometimes takes longer, maybe Tine, can answer this question.

    Maybe the SD card is full or corrupted form all log reports as Richard mention.

    I think, for my next updates, I first do a new format on the wifi SD card, to test the SD and avoid problems.


  • @Ben At Richard, all system I made for customers all are set up with 250kB to VE-can port.   Iam not sure or bms-CAN on Cerbo is fully supported. 

  • Ben makes a good point here.  The files first gets uploaded to the wifi module SDC card quickly,  then slowly to the wifi module.  Turning it off mid process will very likely corrupt the BMS.

    Also, with the most recent updates the REC BMS now connects to the VE.CAN port at 250K and the VE port must be configured in the Cerbo.  See above link to download the quickstart REC to Cerbo quickstart manual

  • The BMS port is only for BMS systems that do not fully integrate with Victron VE DVCC and other high level integrated control.

  • Alright guys: Just reformatted the Wifi module SD card and loaded up 2.95. I reset the internal clock battery on the Rec ABMS. Got it all put back together again and did the firmware update to 2.95, which went very quickly and smoothly compared to last time, maybe because of the reformat and I deleted all the old logs.

    Unfortunately I am still having the same cell voltage and temp errors on the homescreen.

  • @Trevor 

  • @tine

    Tine, do you have any thoughts on this one please. 


  • @Rick and @Ben thank you very much for the advice on the BMS-CAN versus VE-CAN ports on the Cerbo.  I remember agonizing over the choice between the two 3 years ago.  Lacking guidance from the manual, I just picked the one with "BMS" in it's name.  I'll swicth over to the VE-CAN port on the Cerbo and lower the link speed to 250Kbps when I put the system back together.

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